Literary Culture In Colonial Ghana...
Looking For Genet: Literary Essays And Reviews...
Idol of Suburbia: Marie Corelli and Late-Victorian Literary Culture...
Dawn To The West: A History Of Japanese Literature: Japanese Literature Of The The Modern Era: Poetry, Drama, Criticism...
Mimesis And The Human Animal: On The Biogenetic Foundations Of Literary Representation...
Writers On The Left: Episodes In American Literary Communism...
Reading Machines: Toward And Algorithmic Criticism...
Conversations with Lillian Hellman Literary Conversations...
Visionary Poetics: Essays On Northrop Frye's Criticism...
Recovering The U.s. Hispanic Literary Heritage, Volume 7...
A Talent For Living: Josephine Pinckney And The Charleston Literary Tradition...
French Literary Theory Today: A Reader...
The Cambridge Companion To Postcolonial Literary Studies...
Chaotic Justice: Rethinking African American Literary History...
Critical Companion To Ernest Hemingway: A Literary Reference To His Life And Work...
Transitional Objects And Potential Spaces: Literary Uses Of D. W. Winnicott...
The Decameron: A New Translation: 21 Novelle, Contemporary Reactions, Modern Criticism...
Romantic Interactions: Social Being And The Turns Of Literary Action...
Money, Language, And Thought: Literary And Philosophical Economies From The Medieval To The Modern Era...
The Philosophy Of Literary Form...