Introduction To Computer Science Using Python: A Computational Problem-Solving Focus...
Python For Software Design: How To Think Like A Computer Scientist...
Handbook of Computer Animation...
Computer Systems: An Integrated Approach To Architecture And Operating Systems...
Understanding Virtual Reality: Interface, Application, And Design (The Morgan Kaufmann Series In Computer Graphics)...
Computer Security And Penetration Testing...
Comprehensive Mathematics For Computer Scientists 2: Calculus And Odes, Splines, Probability, Fourier And Wavelet Theory, Fractals And Neural Networks...
Quaternions For Computer Graphics...
Computer Graphics Handbook...
Algorithms For Image Processing And Computer Vision...
Computer Organization And Architecture: Designing For Performance. By William Stallings...
Hackers: Heroes Of The Computer Revolution...
Introduction To Computer Information Systems...
Designing Interaction: Psychology At The Human-Computer Interface...
Exploring Computer Science With Scheme...
The Art Of 3d Computer Animation And Effects...
Proceedings: Computer Networking Symposium, 1986/No Dq746...
Computer Science: A Structured Programming Approach Using C, Second Edition...
Relational Methods in Computer Science...
Discrete Mathematics For Computer Scientists...