
An exclusive authorized edition of a classic Agatha Christie thriller revolving around a devastating family mystery, described by the Queen of Mystery herself as one of her favorites of her published works - now a feature film from Sony Pictures starring Christina Hendricks, Gillian Anderson, and Gl...
A dark, satirical thriller by the bestselling Japanese author, following the perilous train ride of five highly motivated assassins soon to be a major film from Sony starring Brad Pitt, Joey King, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Brian Tyree Henry, Andrew Koji, Hiroyuki Sanada, Michael Shannon, and Benito A Ma...
Watch the Spider-Verse unfold with the turn of a page in this one-of-a-kind gift book, featuring Miles Morales and all your favorite characters from Marvel and Sony Pictures Animation's blockbuster film, including Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy, and more. This groundbreaking storybook brings Spider-Man- I...