Contemporary Literary Criticism Literary And Cultural Studies...
The Epic Blooms Literary Criticism Th Anniversary Collection...
Configurations of Comparative Poetics: Three Perspectives on Western and Chinese Literary Criticism...
Criticism And Culture Role Of Critique In Modern Literary Theory...
Literary PanAfricanism History Contexts and Criticism...
The Johns Hopkins Guide To Literary Theory And Criticism...
English Renaissance Literary Criticism...
Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of Nineteenth-Century Novelists, Poets, Playwrights, Short-Story Writers...
Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism...
Dawn To The West: A History Of Japanese Literature: Japanese Literature Of The The Modern Era: Poetry, Drama, Criticism...
Chaotic Justice: Rethinking African American Literary History...
The Norton Anthology Of Theory And Criticism...
The Uses of Literature: Life in the Socialist Chinese Literary System...
Portraits Of The New Negro Woman: Visual And Literary Culture In The Harlem Renaissance...
Critical Companion To Ernest Hemingway: A Literary Reference To His Life And Work...
The Philosophy Of Literary Form...
William Gibson: A Literary Companion...
Postmodern Literary Theory: An Anthology...
Crossing The Creek: The Literary Friendship Of Zora Neale Hurston And Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings...
Critical Companion To Flannery O'connor: A Literary Reference To Her Life And Work...