Social Science Research: A Cross Section Of Journal Articles For Discussion & Evaluation...
Social Science Research And Decision-Making...
Social Science Research: A Cross Section Of Journal Articles For Discussion & Evaluation...
The Social Science Jargon Buster: The Key Terms You Need to Know...
Affect And Emotion: A New Social Science Understanding...
Contemporary Society: An Introduction To Social Science...
Cengage Advantage Books: Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Introduction To Social Work & Social Welfare: Critical Thinking Perspectives...
Social Work In The 21st Century: An Introduction To Social Welfare, Social Issues, And The Profession...
Practice Behaviors Workbook For Kirst-Ashman's Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Introduction To Social Work & Social Welfare: Critical Thinking Perspec...
Social Change, Resistance And Social Practices...
Explaining Social Institutions Explaining Social I...
Cultural Wars in American Politics Critical Reviews of a Popular Myth Social Institutions and Social Change...
Character And Social Structure: The Psychology Of Social Institutions...
Christianity And Social Work: Readings In The Integration Of Christian Faith And Social Work Practice - Fourth Edition...
Human Groups And Social Categories: Studies In Social Psychology...
Is Everyone Really Equal An Introduction To Key Concepts In Social Justice Education Multicultural Education...
Heirs of the Greek Catastrophe: The Social Life of Asia Minor Refugees in Piraeus...
Civil Penalties, Social Consequences...
The Blackwell Companion To Social Movements...
An Introduction To Models In The Social Sciences...