This collection features rugs created by the weaving of unraveled saris by hand into one-of-a-kind designs. Tribal motifs and brilliant colors make striking compositions. Hand-knotted by skilled artisans from India....
This collection features rugs created by the weaving of unraveled saris by hand into one-of-a-kind designs. Tribal motifs and brilliant colors make striking compositions. Hand-knotted by skilled artisans from India....
This collection features rugs created by the weaving of unraveled saris by hand into one-of-a-kind designs. Tribal motifs and brilliant colors make striking compositions. Hand-knotted by skilled artisans from India....
Handmade, hand-tufted rugs. Elegant designs with dimension and style. 80% Wool/20% Cotton. Made in India....
This contemporary collection offers a variety of sophisticated rugs featuring alternatively organic and geometric designs against a soft background. Hand-knotted by skilled artisans in India. Moderate shedding, subsiding over time. 100% Viscose...
This collection of tone-on-tone rugs are hand-knotted by skilled artisans from India. Modern style derived from traditional motifs. Moderate shedding, subsiding over time....
Handmade, hand-tufted rugs. Elegant designs with dimension and style. 80% Wool/20% Cotton. Made in India....
This collection of rugs is handloomed by skilled artisans from India. Tone-on-tone with subtle geometric designs, appropriate for any room. Moderate shedding, subsiding over time. 60% Wool/20% Viscose/20% Cotton...
This contemporary collection offers a variety of sophisticated rugs featuring alternatively organic and geometric designs against a soft background. Hand-knotted by skilled artisans in India. Moderate shedding, subsiding over time. 100% Viscose...
This collection of rugs is handloomed by skilled artisans from India. Tone-on-tone with subtle geometric designs, appropriate for any room. Moderate shedding, subsiding over time. 70% Wool/20% Viscose/10% Cotton...
This collection of rugs is handloomed by skilled artisans from India. Tone-on-tone with subtle geometric designs, appropriate for any room. Moderate shedding, subsiding over time. 70% Wool/20% Viscose/10% Cotton...
This collection of tone-on-tone rugs are hand-knotted by skilled artisans from India. Moderate shedding, subsiding over time. 70% Wool/10% Viscose/20%Cotton...
This collection of tone-on-tone rugs are hand-knotted by skilled artisans from India. Moderate shedding, subsiding over time. 25% Wool/65% Viscose/10% Cotton...
This collection of tone-on-tone rugs are hand-knotted by skilled artisans from India. Moderate shedding, subsiding over time. 70% Wool/10% Viscose/20%Cotton...
This collection of tone-on-tone rugs are hand-knotted by skilled artisans from India. Moderate shedding, subsiding over time. 70% Wool/10% Viscose/20%Cotton...
This collection of tone-on-tone rugs are hand-knotted by skilled artisans from India. Modern style derived from traditional motifs. Moderate shedding, subsiding over time....
This collection of rugs is handloomed by skilled artisans from India. Tone-on-tone with subtle geometric designs, appropriate for any room. Moderate shedding, subsiding over time. 60% Viscose/20% Wool/20% Cotton...
This collection of rugs is handloomed by skilled artisans from India. Tone-on-tone with subtle geometric designs, appropriate for any room. Moderate shedding, subsiding over time. 70% Wool/20% Viscose/10% Cotton...
This contemporary collection offers a variety of sophisticated rugs featuring alternatively organic and geometric designs against a soft background. Hand-knotted by skilled artisans in India. Moderate shedding, subsiding over time. 100% Viscose...
This collection of tone-on-tone rugs are hand-knotted by skilled artisans from India. Moderate shedding, subsiding over time. 25% Wool/65% Viscose/10% Cotton...