Chef's Choice Diamond Hone 120 Edgeselect Plus Knife Sharpener 12 x 6.375 x 6.25 Brushed Metal 0120108. 3-Stage sharpener with precision angle control 100percent diamond abrasives in Stages 1 and 2 Unique stropping and polishing Stage 3 for......
Chef's Choice Angleselect Diamond Hone 1520 Knife Sharpener 12 x 6.25 x 6 Brushed Metal 0115207. Using 100 percent diamonds the hardest natural substance on earth our patented abrasives sharpen edges faster and easier. This sharpener improves cutting......
Chef's Choice Angleselect Diamond Hone 1520 Knife Sharpener 12 x 6.25 x 6 Brushed Metal 0115207. Using 100 percent diamonds the hardest natural substance on earth our patented abrasives sharpen edges faster and easier. This sharpener improves cutting......
Chef's Choice Diamond Hone 120 Edgeselect Plus Knife Sharpener 12 x 6.375 x 6.25 Brushed Metal 0120108. 3-Stage sharpener with precision angle control 100percent diamond abrasives in Stages 1 and 2 Unique stropping and polishing Stage 3 for......