The Fusion Collection of rugs are meticulously hand tufted with different shades of 100% wool dyed in varying shades of the primary color. Also known as Abrash, the subtle variations in tone on tone color, perfectly complement the main field color....
Fusion Collection rugs are crafted by hand tufting 100% wool shades intermixed with the complementary main field color....
The Fusion Collection of rugs are meticulously hand tufted with different shades of 100% wool dyed in varying shades of the primary color. Also know as Abrash, the subtle variations in tone on tone color, perfectly complement the main field color....
Fusion Collection rugs are crafted by hand tufting 100% wool shades intermixed with the complementary main field color....
The Fusion Collection of rugs are meticulously hand tufted with different shades of 100% wool dyed in varying shades of the primary color. Also know as Abrash, the subtle variations in tone on tone color, perfectly complement the main field color....
Fusion Collection rugs are crafted by hand tufting 100% wool shades intermixed with the complementary main field color....
The Fusion Collection of rugs are meticulously hand tufted with different shades of 100% wool dyed in varying shades of the primary color. Also know as Abrash, the subtle variations in tone on tone color, perfectly complement the main field color....
Fusion Collection rugs are crafted by hand tufting 100% wool shades intermixed with the complementary main field color....
The Fusion Collection of rugs are meticulously hand tufted with different shades of 100% wool dyed in varying shades of the primary color. Also known as Abrash, the subtle variations in tone on tone color, perfectly complement the main field color....
The Fusion Collection of rugs are meticulously hand tufted with different shades of 100% wool dyed in varying shades of the primary color. Also know as Abrash, the subtle variations in tone on tone color, perfectly complement the main field color....